World Hospice and Palliative Care Day 2024

World Hospice and Palliative Care Day is a health campaign that aims to raise awareness about the importance of palliative care in healthcare systems and society. The campaign also serves as a day to reflect on the tremendous impact that palliative care has, not just on individuals facing time-limiting illnesses, but also, for their families and loved ones.

The campaign is part of Palliative Care Unit, The Brunei Cancer Centre (TBCC) mission to remind that palliative care is not just a medical specialty, but it is a testament to our shared humanity and compassion.

This year, Palliative Care Unit focuses on highlighting the importance of a carer as one of the most vital roles in a patient’s journey.


The “Carer Fatigue: Addressing the Needs of Those Who Care” talk explores the often-overlooked challenges faced by those who provide care to ill loved ones. It delves into the profound physical, emotional, and spiritual toll that caregiving can take, particularly from an Islamic perspective. As carers strive to balance their own well-being with the demands of caring for someone in palliative care, they often face overwhelming fatigue and stress.

The session will uncover the Islamic teachings that offer comfort and guidance to carers, helping them to find strength and purpose in their role. The invited speaker will also reveal practical self-care strategies that align with Islamic values, empowering carers to maintain their own health and spiritual connection while providing the best possible care to their loved ones.


Ustaz Mizi Wahid

Event Programme

6:00 pm : Arrival of Registered Participants
7:00 pm : Arrival of Invited Guests
7:15 pm : Arrival of Guest of Honour
ㅤㅤㅤ   : Recital of Surah Al-Fatihah
ㅤㅤㅤ   : Welcoming Remarks
ㅤㅤㅤ   : Launching of World Hospice & Palliative Care Day 2024
ㅤㅤㅤ   : Presentation of Certificate
7:30 pm : Talk “Carer Fatigue: Addressing the Needs of Those Who Care”
8:15 pm : Break
8:30 pm : Q&A Session
ㅤㅤㅤ   : End of Event

Ticket Pricing

Everyone is welcome to join and immerse themselves in this heartfelt session. Register now to enjoy exclusive rates and secure your spot! 


$ 45


$ 35


$ 25