Stroke Awareness Talk with Halaqah International Muslimah Brunei

Stroke Awareness Talk with Halaqah International Muslimah Brunei

22 June 2023 – PJSC had the opportunity to raise stroke awareness with Halaqah International Muslimah Brunei. The incredible talk was led by Pg Dr Hjh Siti Nur Ashikin Pg DP Hj Tengah, our esteemed Senior Consultant Neurologist and Director of Brunei Neuroscience, Stroke and Rehabilitation Centre. The event kicked off with an inspiring opening speech by the Chairperson, Datin Hjh Apsah Majid, setting the tone for an engaging session. A special thanks to Yasmin Bakar, the skilled physiotherapist, for leading a brief warm-up session that got everyone ready to learn and participate. The audience’s enthusiasm and active involvement during the Q&A made the experience truly remarkable. 

PJSC has also set up a booth where the audience could consult with the dedicated nurses and have their blood pressure checked using blood pressure monitors. The event was an excellent opportunity to provide better understanding about stroke and the importance of identifying its symptoms to the audience.