Post COVID-19 Rehabilitation Booklets Handover to The Ministry of Health

Post COVID-19 Rehabilitation Booklets Handover to The Ministry of Health

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the health and livelihood of a number of those who were infected with the virus in the country. Those recovering from the COVID-19 infection may still experience long term health problems and symptoms that persist beyond 12 week, now referred to as post COVID-19 conditions, and also known as Long COVID, or Post-COVID Syndrome. Long COVID can interfere with daily activities and negatively impact on one’s quality of life.

The management of Long Covid requires a multi-disciplinary rehabilitation approach. To ensure the people of Brunei Darussalam have timely access to the health advices from different healthcare professionals, the Rehabilitation Department of Pantai Jerudong Specialist Centre (PJSC) adapted published advice from the World Health Organization to guide individuals to self-manage their symptoms and overcome challenges encountered in their activities of daily living after the COVID-19 infection.

The booklet, available in Bahasa Melayu and English were handed over to the Ministry of Health earlier today, which in turn will be distributed to the isolation centres to be given to patients recovering from COVID-19. Yang Mulia Pg Dr Khalifah bin Pg Hj Ismail, Acting Deputy Permanent Secretary (Professional) of Minister of Health and Dr. Hajah Lailawati binti Haji Jumat, Director of Hospital Services, Ministry of Health has consented to receive the booklets from Dr. Haji Mazrul Adimin bin Haji Awg Besar, Executive Director of PJSC, accompanied by Ms Vivian Tie, Hospital Administrator of PJSC and Dr Abang Muhammad Fahmy bin Abang Haji Hepnie, Head of Rehabilitation Department of The Brunei Neuroscience Stroke and Rehabilitation Centre, PJSC.

PJSC is arranging to have the booklet translated to other languages. An electronic version of the booklets in both Bahasa Melayu and English will be available for download here.