Ibadah Friendly Hospital Committee & Gleneagles JPMC Organized the Majlis Ceramah Khas, Doa Kesyukuran & Sambutan   Hari Aidiladha

Ibadah Friendly Hospital Committee & Gleneagles JPMC Organized the Majlis Ceramah Khas, Doa Kesyukuran & Sambutan Hari Aidiladha

In the spirit of fostering closer relationships and togetherness, the Ibadah Friendly Hospital (IFH) Committee of PJSC has collaborated with Gleneagles JPMC in organizing a Majlis Ceramah Khas, Doa Kesyukuran & Sambutan Hari Aidiladha earlier today at Lecture Theatre.

Present as the Guest of Honour for the event was Dr Hj Mazrul Adimin Hj Awg Besar, Executive Director of PJSC with Mr. Izzul Hamzi Hj Jomari, Chief Operating Officer of GJPMC and Dr Muhd Hiza Wardy Hj Abd Halim, Acting Medical Director of JPMC present as the Special Guests. Also present at the event were management and staffs of PJSC, JPMC and Gleneagles JPMC.

The event began with a welcoming remark from the Chairperson of IFH, Ustaz Hj Ishkandar Hj Buntar, highlighting IFH’s milestone where the committee has successfully held the first Ibadah Korban programme for all PJSC, JPMC and GJPMC staffs, as part of collaborative effort with Balurih Travel. The event then continued with a religious talk titled “Indahnya Aidiladha” delivered by Ustaz Isham Ismail followed with Doa Kesyukuran. The event concluded with a Raya celebration held at Lounge Area.