Breast Cancer Awareness Talk at DARe

Breast Cancer Awareness Talk at DARe

Our efforts in spreading the awareness on breast cancer continues today with a talk to Darussalam Enterprise (DARe) @darussalamenterprise at the Main Auditorium, D&T Building. During the programme, Datin Dr Hjh Noraslinah Hj Ramlee, Head of Early Detection And Cancer Prevention Services and Co-Chairperson of Breast Cancer Awareness Month 2022 Campaign delivered the awareness talk on breast cancer as well as other common female cancers. 

Attended by employees from DARe, BEDB and tenants in D&T Building, the talk session is followed by a Q&A session, breast self-examination demonstration and exhibition. 

Breast cancer has the highest incidence rate among women. This further stresses on the importance of educating women about early detection and screening. We hope that the talk today would be able to educate, empower and encourage the employees to take steps towards better prevention of breast cancer.