BNSRC Hosted a Stroke Awareness Talk at CFBT

BNSRC Hosted a Stroke Awareness Talk at CFBT

Brunei Neuroscience, Stroke and Rehabilitation Centre (BNSRC) is delighted and honored to have hosted a Stroke Awareness Talk at the London Room, CFBT, on 24th May 2024, in collaboration with the CFBT Welfare Office. This enlightening session was led by one of our esteemed doctors from BNSRC, Dr. Yong Chee Shin, Senior Medical Officer. Dr. Chee Shin shared invaluable insights on causes and risk factors of Stroke as well as the critical importance of acting swiftly when stroke symptoms arise.

BNSRC team were warmly welcomed by the CFBT team, making the event even more special. During the talk, attendees participated enthusiastically in our Stroke Fun Quiz, and the lucky winner received exclusive PJSC merchandise.

Additionally, PJSC would like to express our heartfelt thanks to Dr. Louise Pagden, Country Manager of CFBT, for presenting a token of appreciation to Dr. Chee Shin, recognising her dedication and contribution to stroke awareness.

As part of our ongoing campaign, PJSC emphasizes the vital need to act fast and call 991 in case of a stroke emergency. The take-home message is to remember B.E.F.A.S.T.:

B: Sudden loss of Balance
E: Loss of vision/blurry in one or both Eyes
F: Face drooping on one side
A: Weakness in Arms or legs
S: Difficulty Speaking
T: Time to get help

Educating our community on these signs can save lives. Let’s spread the word and ensure everyone knows the importance of immediate action. Together, we can make a difference! Because we are Greater>Stroke!

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