On 23rd-24th September, a Neurosurgery Lecture Series was conducted by Dr Ady Thien on Clinical and Surgical Neuroanatomy held at PJSC. The lecture is an interactive session that brings participants into an interactive 3D journey through the skull base aided with 3D screens to give participants a more closer representation of the human anatomy as opposed to 2D pictures and printouts.
PJSC places great value upon continuous learning and growth for all staffs especially those in the specialist clinical field. As a specialist centre, the knowledge and experience gained from any form of training, talk, workshop and other types of learning platform is a critical part of ensuring that our patients can continue to receive the best of care now and in many more years to come.
It is hoped that many more lecture series such as this can help support clinical practitioners in PJSC and in Brunei Darussalam as a whole to continue develop and grow within their field.
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