Cancer Awareness Talk at Pusat Kegiatan Warga Emas Lambak Kanan. PJSC

Cancer Awareness Talk Held at Pusat Kegiatan Warga Emas Lambak Kanan

In conjunction to World Cancer Day, the cancer awareness talk continues today at Pusat Kegiatan Warga Emas Lambak Kanan. The talk was organised by Health Promotion Centre with the aim of bringing attention to one of the most common cancer in Brunei, namely Colorectal Cancer.

Dr Hj Zulkhairi Hj Mohamad from The Brunei Cancer Centre of PJSC was invited to deliver the talk to an audience of 40 elders. The session started with a talk on Colorectal Cancer, Q&A session and concluded with viewing of mini exhibition held by Early Detection & Cancer Prevention Services Unit of PJSC.