Launching of The National Hyperlipidaemia Guidelines 2022

Launching of The National Hyperlipidaemia Guidelines 2022

The Cardiac Society Brunei Darussalam and Ministry of Health (MOH) has recently launched The National Hyperlipidaemia Guidelines 2022 on Sunday, 3rd July 2022 at the Radisson Hotel. Present to officiate the launching event was Yang Berhormat Dato Seri Setia Dr Haji Mohd Isham Bin Haji Jaafar, Minister of Health. Two of our doctors, Dr Jessie Talimay Colacion, Specialist Neurologist and Dr Yong Chee Shin, Neurology Medical Officer from the Brunei Neuroscience Stroke & Rehabilitation Centre (BNSRC) contributed to the authorship of the chapter on hyperlipidaemia guidelines for stroke patients. Present to receive the copies were, Dr Haji Mazrul Adimin Bin Haji Awang Besar, Executive Director of PJSC and Dr Pg Siti Nur’ashikin Binti Pg Dato Paduka Hj Tengah, Director of BNSRC. 
The National Hyperlipidaemia Guidelines 2022 aims to provide doctors, nurses, and allied health practitioners with the tools to diagnose patients with high cholesterol levels, who should be screened, and treatments recommended to control their cholesterol levels to reduce associated risks. 
Hyperlipidaemia is a medical term for abnormally high level of fats (lipids) in the blood, which includes cholesterol and triglycerides. Although it can be inherited, hyperlipidaemia is most often the result of lifestyle factors, including an unbalanced diet and lack of physical activity. As the national stroke and rehabilitation centre, BNSRC has handled cases involving hyperlipidaemia and have made it their goal to improve early diagnosis and treatment for all. With the recent publishment of guidelines, it will be used as reference tool in providing better diagnosis and treatment.